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Blog: Uganda

Uganda Story STEM Outreach

STEM Outreach

Drones, Data and AI for STEM / Youth | September 18, 2023
Creating STEM Awareness Among Students

Bolivia Spain Uganda Cameroon Story STEM Education Training

Educational Drones

Drones, Data and AI for STEM / Youth | January 11, 2023
Exploring Career Opportunities in the Drone for Social Good Sector

Just loving on the village community that were intrigued by the flying drone Uganda Flying Labs

In Uganda, Discovering the Forest for the Trees

Drones, Data and AI for Climate Action | October 19, 2022
Uganda Flying Labs welcomed the opportunity to support the vital cause of ecological analysis through tree monitoring in forests in Masindi.

Uganda Story Twin Science STEM Program

World Science Movement

Drones, Data and AI for STEM / Youth | July 29, 2022
STEM Programs in Uganda with Twin Science

Uganda Story Coffee yield estimation

Monitoring Coffee Crops

Drones, Data and AI for Agriculture | July 1, 2022
Using Drones for Coffee Yield Estimation and Crop Health Analysis