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Maze Solving Using the Tello Edu Drone at Bangladesh Flying Labs

During the workshop, 16 participants spent two days understanding the working principles of drones while learning to pilot them through an intricate maze.

February 16th, 2024

By Bangladesh Flying Labs

Getting involved in STEM activities early not only paves the way to becoming future innovators but also nurtures critical thinking in young minds. Children equipped with a strong STEM foundation will be pivotal in enhancing our nation's global competitiveness through the development of skills crucial for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is essential to offer the appropriate tools to the youth, enabling them to excel in STEM and tackle diverse technical problems and puzzles. Innovations such as drones present young learners with valuable chances to approach challenges from unique perspectives and emerge as inventive solution developers.

Our most recent endeavour, a two-day long hands-on workshop titled “টেলো এডু দিয়ে ড্রোনের মেজ সলভিং” or “Drone Maze Solving using Tello Edu” was held on 21st and 22nd July at the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Dhaka. Sixteen young participants spent two days understanding the technicalities behind the working principles of a drone while also learning to pilot them through an intricate maze. The drone used for the workshop was the Tello Edu.

workshop material

workshop session

In light of the addition of the “Drone Maze Challenge” segment from this year’s Bangladesh Robot Olympiad (BdRO), this workshop aimed at introducing this challenge among our budding tech enthusiasts, who have never shied away from new opportunities to exhibit their potential. The session concluded with the awarding of a certificate of participation to each of them. 

participants displaying their certificates

We look forward to organizing more events of this kind to teach and inspire our young STEM enthusiasts about the use of drones for greater technological advancements.   


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