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A New Partnership Aims to Revolutionize Medical Deliveries in Rural Kenya

The collaboration will focus on a medical delivery Proof of Concept (POC) in Kenya, targeting Tharaka Nithi, Machakos, and Makueni counties.

May 11th, 2023

By Kenya Flying Labs

March was a bustling month at Kenya Flying Labs, with one of the highlights being the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NARMA INC and Kenya Flying Labs. This collaboration will focus on a medical delivery Proof of Concept (POC) in Kenya, targeting three counties: Tharaka Nithi, Machakos, and Makueni. The partnership will provide support for drone operations in Kenya and equip a team of 10 Kenya Flying Labs drone pilots and engineers with the skills necessary to pilot the AF200 drone and perform maintenance.

Two drone platforms will be made available for this POC and are scheduled to be shipped to Kenya within the second quarter of the year. The project is set to begin in June with capacity-building initiatives, followed by actual drone deliveries that will be conducted over three months, pending the necessary approvals for BVLOS flights from KCAA.

The visiting team from South Korea included NARMA INC's CEO, Mr. Kijung Kwon, the manager of policy and strategy, Mr. Suho Jung, and an engineer. They also had the opportunity to meet with Ministry of Health officials, specifically the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards, and County Government officials from the three targeted counties. Together, they signed strategic partnership documents to support the project, which is set to launch in June 2023.

NARMA INC, a South Korean drone manufacturer and spin-off of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, strives to develop world-class delivery drones and service platforms. The company specializes in manufacturing various drone platforms currently being utilized in different parts of the world, including the USA and South Africa.

NARMA's drones use innovative IP Technology and tilt rotors, enabling the drones to take off as multi-rotors and transition into fixed-wing aircraft. This design provides the advantage of speed and longer endurance. In addition, safety is a top priority for NARMA. Their cargo drones are equipped with a parachute system that activates in the event of system failure, ensuring safe landings and minimizing potential damage to people or property.


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