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Preparing Students for Careers in Drones, Data Processing

Ghana Flying Labs' training aimed to create awareness on drones and equip participants with skills in drone data acquisition and analytics.

December 6th, 2021

We live in a time when emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are drivers of various discussions, policy-making, and implementation strategies among organizations and countries. One of the goals for Ghana Flying Labs is to build local capacity by equipping school-aged youth and working professionals with relevant skills across the country.

On October 11th, Ghana Flying Labs, in partnership with SKT Aeroshutter (SKT), organized a one-week in-person training on "Drone Operator Proficiency & Aerial Data Processing." The training exercise aimed to create awareness on drones, address issues of gender inclusivity, equip participants with drone data acquisition skills and analytics, empower the youth and the existing workforce for a new job market, and certify participants. The training also targeted three Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 4 (Quality Education),  Goal 5 (Gender Equality), and Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).

The participants hailed from diverse academic backgrounds, including agronomists, researchers, educators, surveyors, university graduates, and tech enthusiasts. They were taken through an introductory course on drones with some practical field activities and sector-specific use-case scenarios. 

The first two days of the training were theoretical, focusing on general discussions about aircraft, how they're used worldwide, and how to operate them safely and responsibly. Participants received training on Civil Aviation Authority guidelines, geography and meteorology, its role in drone operations, emergency procedures, and various classifications of drones and sensors. 

Days three, four, and five were practical, hands-on sessions where participants interacted with drones, identified the various parts and learned to mount each piece (propellers, battery, etc.). They also learned about camera positioning and flight execution, manual flight practice, flight planning and execution, data collection, processing and analysis, and its use in their respective areas of expertise (agronomy, research, teaching).

Thanks to SKT and its fantastic team of experienced professionals, these young professionals now understand drone technology better and how vital drone technology is to their field of work. In addition, they appreciate the significant role of drone technology in addressing the various challenges we face in Ghana (flood, poor settlement planning, drought, etc.) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 

We believe that drone technology offers new opportunities to private and individual organizations and governments, researchers, enthusiasts, and developmental agencies who rely on data for strategic collaboration and decision-making. Therefore, Ghana Flying Labs aims to develop local proficiency and skills in drone usage, innovation, and business acumen. 

Interested in learning a new skill or more about what we do? Visit the Ghana Flying Labs website or email us for more information.


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