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Introducing our Flying Labs Pages

Each Flying Labs website features examples of local projects / training, blog updates, and contact information for the lab coordinator.

January 20th, 2017

We’ve been busy at work on websites for our individual Flying Labs, and we’re proud to announce that the first two are ready for release!

Nepal Flying Labs was the first Flying Labs that we established, with tremendous help from our local lab coordinator Uttam Pudasaini this past September. He has been extremely active in the recent months organizing various missions, all with different social good applications for robotics. The Nepal Flying Labs website will be the perfect place for him to post updates, and his first introductory blog post is already up! Peru Flying Labs on the other hand is actually our most recent Flying Labs, established only last month in December. Our recent mission there has been very successful thanks to our lab coordinator Juan Bergelund, and we plan to update the site soon with our plans for our future endeavors in the country.

Each Flying Labs website features examples of local projects / training, blog updates, and contact information for the lab coordinator. You can access the sites on our labs page, or you can click the logos below. Also, our Tanzania Flying Labs website will be ready in the near future, so be sure to keep an eye out for that as well!

FL Nepal B              FL Peru B




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