Josiah Burkett
Certified Drone Pilot and Technical Expert

Josiah Burkett is a GIS Analyst with a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of the West Indies Mona. It is here the world of Geographical Information Systems was introduced to him, which encouraged him to further his skillsets in GIS with and online specialization from the University of California. Working as an intern with the Environmental Management Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, he was exposed to GIS applications, assisting the organization in the mapping of resources. He then moved on to be a Junior Geologist with Geophysx Jamaica Limited where he got extensive experience in mineral exploration and data collection. Recently he has furthered his education with a certification in Project Management. Currently, Josiah is a GIS Analyst for GeoTechVision, where he contributes his expertise with a team that aims to provide value through innovative solutions.