Billy Rodriguez
Operations and development director, engineer, drone pilot, data analyst and instructor

Director de Ingeniería de UAV DEL PERÚ. Ingeniero Electrónico CIP 187017 y piloto certificado DGAC 1408. Especialista en Sistemas Aéreos Pilotados Remotamente (RPAS) y Sistemas Satelitales con estudios realizados en Rusia, China y Estados Unidos respectivamente. Actualmente soy miembro de UAV del Perú y Peruvian Flying Labs. Como miembro de UAV del Perú he dado diferentes capacitaciones sobre Centros Móviles de Respuesta a Emergencias en Latinoamerica. Como parte de Peruvian Flying Labs he participado en proyectos de carácter humanitario, principalmente: Transporte de medicamentos usando Aeronaves Pilotadas Remotamente (RPA) en la amazonía peruana como parte de la iniciativa de WeRobotics y he sido voluntario en el fenómeno del Niño Costero en Perú en el 2017.
Billy Rodriguez is Engineering Director of UAV DEL PERÚ, Electronic Engineer CIP 187017 and certified pilot DGAC 1408, specialist in Remote Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) and Satellite Systems with studies conducted in Russia, China, and the United States respectively. He is currently a member of UAV of Peru and Peruvian Flying Labs. As a member of UAV of Peru, he has given different trainings on Mobile Emergency Response Centers in Latin America. As part of Peruvian Flying Labs, he has participated in humanitarian projects, mainly: Transportation of medicines using Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) in the Peruvian Amazon as part of the WeRobotics initiative and he has volunteered for the Coastal Child phenomenon in Peru in 2017.